Yaks, Helicopters and Porters

I haven't yet touched on some of the other sights you see when out on the trail.

Firstly the Yaks, well for the most part these are just cows.  They travel in convoy usually 4 to 8 at a time. They can be carrying anything from gas cylinders, plastic tanks of kerosene or food stock.  You know they are near as you can hear the distinct ringing of the bells they have around their necks.  They are mostly docile however one charged at Nick one day and he had to jump out of its way and another one swung its head at Anthony as he walked by.  There were a few yak herders we saw that actually threw rocks at them to get them moving. Nick said maybe we should make one of them walk up the hill and we'll throw rocks at him to see how he likes it!

Helicopters fly overhead constantly.  You can hear them coming from a mile away. As we got higher they became more frequent as they would have been picking up injured trekkers.  Apparently the going rate is about US $7000 to be flown out, so its best that you have travel insurance coverage for that just in case!!

Another of course is the ever hard working porters. These guys are truly amazing.  I got a taste of this last year on the Inca Trail in Peru of what they carry up and down the hill.  However they carry a lot more food and building supplies over here.  We saw guys carrying sheets of plywood and iron on their backs. Couldn't even begin to imagine how heavy that would be! They seem to range in age from very young to quite old. They are remarkable people and you just have to watch on in awe.

Much respect to those who look after us on our journey.

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